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Everything we should know about Polyurethane hoses

Everything we should know about Polyurethane hoses

Polyurethane hoses (also called PU hoses, PUR hoses, TPU hoes) are particularly abrasion-resistant and at the same time very flexible, light, durable and with long service life. They represent the best mechanical and physical properties of both PVC and rubber hoses. Compared to conventional PVC hoses, they are characterized by increased abrasion resistance and better temperature resistance. Polyurethane hoses have a good resistance to chemicals and weathering such as UV rays and ozone, while discolouration (the so-called yellowing) does not affect in any way their mechanical properties.

Another essential advantage of polyurethane hoses is that they do not harden over time as they do not require plasticisers to maintain flexibility, unlike PVC hoses that require adding of flexibility enhancer (such as plasticisers).

Ръководство за безопасен монтаж на хидравлични маркучи

Ръководство за безопасен монтаж на хидравлични маркучи

Можете да удължите полезния живот на хидравличните си маркучи, а от там и на оборудването си, само следвайки няколко лесни указания за безопасен монтаж.

Винаги спазвайте препоръките на производителя за минималния радиус на огъване. Огъването на маркуча до радиус на огъване по-малък от препоръчания, трябва да се избягва. Винаги монтирайте маркуча така, че да осигурите достатъчен радиус на огъване.

When Do You Need to Repair or Replace Your Hydraulic Hose Assembly

When Do You Need to Repair or Replace Your Hydraulic Hose Assembly

Hydraulic hose assemblies are used widely throughout manufacturing industry – for everything from car brakes to pumping stations, and so on, and so on. Over time, even a well-maintained hose will wear out, making it necessary to be repaired or replaced.

The life expectancy of every hydraulic hose assembly defers and depends on multiple factors, including environmental conditions. Here are some “signs” that it is time to repair or replace your hydraulic hose.

A brief description of hydraulic hoses for high pressure systems

A brief description of hydraulic hoses for high pressure systems

Hydraulic hose assemblies are used widely throughout manufacturing industry acting as links to ensure the transmission of energy in hydraulic systems by transferring of hydraulic fluid between different hydraulic components and actuators.

A hydraulic hose is flexible synthetic rubber tube reinforced with one or several textile or steel braids so as to endure the high pressure in the hydraulic systems. Over time, even a well-maintained hose will wear out, making it necessary to be repaired or replaced. Therefore, important parameters should be considered when searching for a hydraulic hose:

Contacts: Stara Zagora, 1 Industrial St, Business centre 2, +359 42 919 369,